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Investment Manager Offering Questionnaire

Contact Information
Participating Investment Managers are encouraged to complete the following questionnaire as completely and succinctly as possible for each offering in which they would like to introduce. Your answers will be turned into an offering fact sheet for distribution at the Conference.
Investment Manager / Sponsor Information
If you are submitting multiple offerings, you only need to complete the Manager / Sponsor Description, Mission Statement, and Website information once.
Offering Structure
Offering Strategy
Offering Terms
Offering Terms
Third-Party Due Diligence Reports. Select all third party due diligence report providers in which the investment manager and/or offering have engaged
Custodial Platforms Select all broker-dealers / custodians/ clearing firms with which the offering has been approved
Regulatory / Legal Issues
If you are submitting multiple offerings, you only need to discuss any Regulatory / Legal issues once unless they are offering-specific.
Other Information

Please upload logo PPM and marketing materials
via the link on the Become a Participating Investment Manager Sponsor page "Sponsorship Materials" or on the email invite.

Thanks for submitting!

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